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Sell Your Property, Buy Real Estate, and Design, Build or Lease Commercially
Owner of Sterling Real Estate Group and Stering Builder, LLC, Phil Dyer has 31 years of experience in Whatcom County Real Estate. Phil is a miltary career veteran, having served in the Army, Navy and Coast Guard, and retired as a Lieutenant Commander.
Phil also has a B.A. in Industrial Materials and Processes and a Masters Degree in Economics. Under Phil's leadership, Sterling Real Estate Group has grown from a one person company to one of the largest real estate companies in Whatcom County, with offices in Bellingham and Ferndale.
Sterling Real Estate Group's Mission Statement emphasizes the company to be 'Socially and Environmentally Conscience to its clients and the planet.' Further exemplifying this mission, Sterling Builders is one of the only companies to build Energy Efficient Five-Star Built Green Certified homes in the county.
Read on to learn more about some of Phil's projects!
Built for the World Assistance for Cambodia and Japan Relief for Cambodia's Rural Schools Program, and located in the Beng Korng village of Preah Vihear province, Cambodia, lies a school built and fully funded by Phil Dyer.
The school was built in just 7 months, as construction began on the 13th of January, 2005, and completed on the 15th of the July, that same year. Pictured nearby, Phil and a Buddhist monk cut the ribbon to inaugurate the new school building.
With a two-teacher staff and five classrooms, The Dyer Family Friendship School has a student body of 146 students. The average classroom session contains 20 students. Pictured nearby, Phil stands with teachers and students in front of the newly opened Dyer Family Friendship School.
Vath Sokphal, 14 years old, is 3rd grade student at the Dyer Family Friendship School . He has one sister and four brothers; the oldest child of the family. His mother is a cake seller and his father is a farmer. In his free time, his father also drives a motor taxi.
“My favorite subject is the Khmer language, because I like to read stories. I also like English literature,” Sokphal said. “I want to be a teacher, so I can teach and advise the students when I grow up,” he added.
Him Sokyen is 15 years old and in the 3rd grade at The Dyer Family Friendship School . Her parents are both farmers. Sokyen is the third child, with six siblings. She is also ranked number three among her 30 classmates.
“I like to study the Khmer language, because I like reading and I am good at story telling” Sokyen said. “When I grow up I want to be a nurse, because then I can take care of sick people in my village, especially my family members,” she added.
Want to learn more about the Phil Dyer Family Friendship School? Be sure to visit the official World Assistance for Cambodia Rural Schools Program website, the source of the images shown here. Learn more about the program, and what you can do to help students like Vath and Him.
Sterling Builders, LLC is one of the only companies in Whatcom County to build energy efficient, comfortable living homes which are:
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